
So, here is one of the more cohesive lists from my little ‘game’ the other night*:

  1.  Cat Power – Babydoll
  2. Elliot Smith – Pretty Mary K
  3. Black Belt Eagle Scout – Don’t Give Up
  4. Hand Habits – The Answer
  5. Stereolab – Cybele’s Reverie
  6. Sufjan Stevens – Out of Egypt, Into the Great Laugh of Mankind
  7. The Magnetic Fields – How to Say Goodbye
  8. King Krule – Theme for the Cross
  9. Joy Division – Twenty Four Hours
  10. The Shins – Pressed in a Book
  11. Starflyer 59 – The Zenith
  12. Beirut – Mount Wroclai (Idle Days)
  13. Sleigh Bells – Road to Hell
  14. Ester Drang – Temple Mount
  15. The Olivia Tremor Control – A New Day
  16. Death Cab for Cutie – The Employment Pages
  17. Wet Leg – Piece of Shit
  18. Faye Webster – Alone Again
  19. Cola – Landers
  20. Mac De Marco – Passing Out Pieces

I used my entire library on Amazon Music and put it on shuffle, skipping any seasonal music but nothing else. These are the first 20 songs that came up.

The worst of the lists alternated violently between Idles & slower Big Thief songs with little else in between. And every playlist, except for this one, seemed very preoccupied with Jetenderpaul (a small band from a long time ago that I love because they remind me of someone).

*My autoimmune issues have flared up, I was bored (too much sitting), and a little stoned. So there you have it.

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September 5, 2023

Oh. My. God… Some really great tunes on there. (Looooove Wet Leg!!! And Sufjan… And Elliott… And The Shins…) Love that you posted this… Will have to listen to some that I’m not familiar with… Also going to have to try to do this on my mp3 player and see what comes up. Musical Russian roulette.

September 5, 2023


This is very much the sort of thing I used to do 20 years ago with my iTunes library. With the advances in technology, I’m curious what (if any) algorithms are employed while my playlist is on shuffle. It doesn’t seem entirely random, but it also doesn’t seem to flow well.

September 5, 2023

Great line up! This looks a lot like my playlists, actually. A few I don’t recognize from familiar artists, so I’ve added them to the queue for the day. This will be a nice blend of nostalgia and new experience.

Hopefully the autoimmune discomfort’s leveled out and you’re feeling better.

September 5, 2023


Odd, thought I replied to this earlier.

Thank you re: the autoimmune stuff. This is the worst I’ve felt in five years, give or take. I’m fucking over it.  Going to my GP to see if they can put me on a course of steroids to get me past this flare up.

I’ve been slowly trying to build my playlist back up, remembering things I used to listen to 20+ years ago and adding them to my library. Some I still like. Some is for the sake of nostalgia.  And, of course, constantly checking out new music.

September 5, 2023

This little peek into your subconscious is quite fascinating.

September 5, 2023

@laynemeyer2 Music is such a big part of who I am, cliche as that may sound.

September 5, 2023

@the-idiot It doesn’t sound cliche at all. Back on EP, where I used to write, there was a 30 day music challenge. It was one of the best ways to get to know people.

September 5, 2023


I agree!

I was an awful snob when I was younger. These days, even though my tastes are pretty narrow, I try to be more open minded about what other people like. My kids (15 & 18) have introduced me to a lot of stuff I like and vice versa. My husband is a musician so music is a big thing in our household.


September 6, 2023

@the-idiot I try to be more open minded. I definitely don’t have that ‘kids today are ruining music’ the way my brother does. I find myself liking new music quite regularly. That said, I still can’t handle country.

September 7, 2023

I feel like I need a stoned wkd in Chicago soon…some jams, a skyscraper and Lake Michigan.

September 11, 2023

@strawberryjelly What’s stopping you?

September 11, 2023

@strawberryjelly seriously, sounds like an amazing weekend!

September 11, 2023

@the-idiot busy summer, will need to get some downtime scheduled for myself soon!