Bird Book

He came into my bedroom and called me Midas, running his fingers across the gold-leafed finials of my bedposts.

A circle. A slow, quiet inventory. The sense that I was somehow being measured and weighed.

He sank into lotus by the bookcase, my childhood first edition Burgess in his hands.


For the first time, but certainly not the last, I considered how much I would like to have him in my bedroom under different circumstances.

Even if I could go back to that moment in time and un-think that thought, nothing would change.

But I would still like to have it back.

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August 21, 2023

Called you Midas, but was never able to receive Midas’ touch. All intent left on a bird’s wing, different. Great piece.

August 21, 2023

@scullyfiend thank you

August 23, 2023

Books…. 💜 I remember the first time I went to my now late husband’s apartment on our first date and saw his beautiful book collection. The scales in my mind tipped to Yes.

Love the way you write.

August 24, 2023

@thecriticsdarling Similar taste is always a yes but never a no, if that makes sense. Though I do wish my husband was more of a reader.