Lost and Found
It’s starting to look like i’ve lost my edge , I’m as sharp as a wad of silly putty. Perfect oportunities are falling all over me right now and I can’t seem to come up with one half assed funny comment. Stories of how my days are going are becoming less and less whitty and more and more sad and confusing. If I work at it , and I mean "work " at it I can still knock out a decent one liner everyonce in a while , but most of the time I’m drawing blanks. The heavy bag in the garage has been getting a shit kicking lately …thats not a good thing. Sure it helps with the anger and stress that I have for the 2007 but it’s also lost something. It’s ability to clear my head. i used to be able to pound the crap out of "joe" and walk away feeling as clean as a chalk board on Mondays mornings. The old thought factory just isn’t shutting off. All of the above combined with other happenings and moments have also contributed to the loss of sleep. Loss of appitite means loss of energy so add those to the list as well. But worst of all …The loss of caring about anything. ussually when I hit a low point like this there are still a few things that I can care about…Right now? Nadda. I’ve even lost the want of a drink. I’ve had one beer and one jack and coke since new years. Thats way below my average.
A big old joint and a few nice size roaches in the ash tray in my garage! Things are lookin’ up.
Later fuckwads
You’ll get it back. =-)
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