1824 confidence

 Saucy scale:10

I’ve been spending copious amounts of time looking at possible changes to our homeschool curriculum.  We’re looking to probably change both our Science & History next year.  We’re also debating which subjects to add to our school day: geography, art, music, etc.?

Today, I randomly came across a bit of curriculum which has the potential to be a BIG game changer for us.  Three homeschool bloggers that I follow use it, but so far, no IRL folks can offer their pesonal review. Which is a bummer.

I have been exclusively homeschooling my oldest for 3 years. There is SO MUCH curriculum out there!  Some of it wonderful.  Some of it horrifically bad.  No one product will work perfectly for all students or all homeschool families.  That flexibility to pick and choose is one of the grandest parts of homeschooling. 

I have had some self doubt about choices made in his education.  Did I choose the right curriculum?  Did we spend enough time on school every day?  Was I smart enough to manage his education?  

Yesterday I found a science curriculum.  Much more hands-on (read: more interesting) than the one we currently use.  The big named science publisher that *everyone* uses.  The one I picked b/c people I know & respect use it.  And it is boring us to tears.  So, I’m investigating a small indie publisher’s science curriculum.  And I feel pretty good about it.

Today, I pretty much decided to scrap our history based on a history curriculum I’ve never even heard of before today!  And I feel really good about it, too.  I wish it were cheaper, but it is NOT.  But it is a fascinating product & concept.

Today, I’m finding my confidence to educate my children. To not doubt myself quite so much.  Which feel really good.

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Do you read writing life on here? She home schools also. She does lots of art and music in addition to regular subjects maybe pick her brai if you’re inclined?

May 3, 2013

I could never homeschool my kid, although I think he may really benefit from a faster pace of learning, but for his and my emotional sanity, he goes to school.

May 8, 2013

You are amazing. Trust your gut, momma!