1818 Oh, I am just awful…

Saucy Scale: 10

I recently realized that my last OD entry was probably the one I wrote when I was freaked out about my lady pains.  That was in early May & I never came back.  Sorry, gang.

So, I had my appointment complete with internal exam and internal ultrasound to check out my ovaries (next time, at least buy me dinner, first!).  From the ultrasound, we could all see that my ovaries were simply beautiful and clean of defect.  From the internal, she didn’t have a whole lot to go with either.

Basically, I was diagnosed with Hysterical 1950s Housewife Disease. 

They said I’ve got a nice case of hormones.  It was suggested that I try a script for BC pills to regulate those pesky hormones.  Problem is, I’m still nursing The Minis & I hate to take a pill which would mess around with my milk production (meager as it may be).

I started paying much closer attention to my monthly cycle & my lady pains are 100% most definitely in time with my wacky hormone fluctuations.  So, I just deal with it.  I will try the BC pills at a later time.  It was also suggested that I might consider a D&C to "freshen things up a bit in there", too.  Hey, sounds great…everything is better when its fresh!

Anyhoo…life is busy and wonderful.

Gus graduated from nursery school *sniff*  (and we are still on board for homeschooling him this coming school year)

Mattson will be following right along in his footsteps in the coming school year

The Minis are currently 16 months old and are delightful, gorgeous little people.

Summer has been full of summer camps, Park Day playdates, trips to see The Grandparents in Iowa, and like.

I am merely days away from a birthday number that seems much older than I believe that I am.  *eep*

Lots of things Making Me Happy this summer…too many to list.

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July 9, 2010

Miss you around here. Glad everything is OK physically. Keep enjoying your summer and kids. When you look back years from now you will realize these are the best years of your life.

July 10, 2010

Hysterical 1950s Housewife Disease. Snort! Yeah, I got that. I am in awe that you are going to homeschool your children. I’m counting the days until my guy goes off to preschool. (Less than 30!)

Glad to hear it wasn’t anything too serious!

This entry is full of happy. I love it. and you.

July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to you my dear TG!

BTW, I forgot. Happy birthday!!!!

December 25, 2010

Happy Merry Holidays Christmas! So happy to see you well.