Day Twelve/Thirteen: Healing Through Divorce

I haven’t updated since day 11, and it’s been a wild ride…

Day Twelve: Corey text me asking me to find the title to his truck, he needed to get new plates. Okay, sure, I can do that. When are you trying to get the plates done because I have plans tonight, but I’ll try and find it before I leave, he said he wanted to get everything done the next day. Not a problem, figure out how you’re going to get the title because again, I have plans.

I go grab a drink with a guy friend (literally just a friend) and Corey decides he’ll come there and grab the title and a few other things he asked me to bring. He gets there, I show him/ask if I got the right things, he says yes, guy friend says hello, Corey tips his head up, says thanks and leaves.

Friend: He’s pissed.

Me: No he’s not.

Friend: Yes he is. He balled his hands into fists when he saw us sitting here. I guarantee he’ll text you in a few minutes.

Before I could even finish the sentence “No he won’t”, my phone was going off. He was texting me. And he was PISSED. He thought I was on a date. Which it doesn’t make sense WHY he would be mad. He had an affair with my friend and he’s still with her… But he was pissed. We went back and forth for a while or I just ignored him, depending on what he said.

I ended up at another bar with Corey. And then we ended up at his apartment. Not my best choice, but he is still legally my husband. Friday night takes us into day 13…

Day Thirteen:

I left that morning, went and grabbed a coffee and called my best friend to tell her what happened. Again, not my smartest choice, but still a choice I made. After coffee, he text me again saying he was working on the truck and I could come keep him company if I wanted. Sure, I’ll come keep you company. He worked on the truck, we went to the BMV for his plates, I came home and he came to cut the grass. He told me he was going to play pool and said I should come too. Sure, I’ll come play after I take Isabelle to her friends house. We play a few games of pool and end up back at his apartment. This is where you really need to buckle up…

We’re sitting there watching a movie and he’s so incredibly upset. His girls are just now starting to talk to him again, he’s working so much to pay for his apartment and our house until I find a job, he’s stretched so thin. I asked him what was wrong, he said he was just worn out.

Then he dropped the bomb.

She thinks she’s pregnant.


Me: How long have you been sleeping with her?

Corey: Like a week.

Me: I’m going to let you sit with that for just a minute and let that really sink in…

He’s just staring at me, so I finally break the news to him. “Dude, that would be almost impossible. Chances are, that’s not your baby…” He said “that wouldn’t really surprise me.” He then went on to tell me how the past 13 days have just been a nightmare basically because she’s been distant and she’s been going to the bar and getting so drunk that she calls him at like 2am to come get her and if he doesn’t because he has to get up a few hours later for work, she yells at him and treats him like crap.

First of all, you made your bed. Get comfy. Second, don’t sign anything or agree to anything if she IS pregnant until you get a DNA test. The math ain’t mathin on that one…

So, we spent like a full 24 hours together. I’m the other woman to the other woman… he’s telling me he loves me again and calling me baby and kept hugging me and kissing me. He’s starting the love bombing already. I told him I wasn’t putting my ring back on. He still has his girlfriend. They’re literally together right now, I know because he’s texting me.

I’m going to play pool with another guy friend tonight. It will probably piss Corey off. I genuinely don’t care. It’s like he doesn’t fully want me (he wants to have his cake and eat it too), but he doesn’t want anyone else to have me.

Like I said, I made poor choices. I know I did. But I’m semi okay with them right now. I’m sure I’ll hurt my feelings later. And I’ll update for day 14 (today) later tonight. Here’s to days 12 and 13.

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