Aye, I had headache this afternoon….I normally don’t have it…Hurricane Laura may be the cause? Or, I have been under the stress?? I want to blame on my stress so let’s whine then. Duh what am I thinking!?!? One of students from abroad asked me if I can teach her at my early morning (5:30AM). Well, I’m a morning person and need to teach her once a week so accepted the request. I woke up at 5 AM and launched my laptop…..waiting for her to join the class….5:35. I sent her a message….silent…..5:40. One more message…silent……5:45…..Finally, I decided to send her the email saying generously that “I waited for 15 mins but have to go now”. After few hours later, she replied to me “Sorry for the late but I joined the class at 6:00 AM and expected to have a 30 mins class.”. I was speechless. I am not a Karaoke box you rented for an hour so you can come and leave during an hour anytime you want. You paid yes for an hour, but I had to generously tell her that “I prepared for our class and this is the one-on-one class, thereby you can be respectful for the time. At least, you can inform me your late prior to the class”. She doesn’t seem happy about it but I guess she understood. Please…regardless of the time we planned to have a class, you shouldn’t treat a tutor like this way. Very disrespectful.
As regards my side job being a Japanese tutor, I am doing really good I cannot believe that I already have more than 10 students, even though I have just started this job for less than a month. I think my roommate is a bit jealous about my doings. She told me that “you don’t have life, you need to stay in your room after work”. I almost wanted to tell her “which life do you have during the covid-19 period?”, but I don’t want be mean. Juuuust thinking. My regular work is quite busy so I really like to focus on different things after work, especially talking with random people from the other side of the world. However, I have to admit that I feel a bit tired lately….Normally, I talk with my wife (unfortunately, she is in the other side of the world) and tell her good night around 4PM in my time. My brain is already fried and I apologetically tell her “I cannot think of it…..”. She is kind enough to understand my situation so she doesn’t seem bothered but I feel bad. Tomorrow, I will try to make time to call her during my lunch time!
Phew, that is all I have tonight. Good night and please stay in safe if you are close to the Hurricane Laura pathway.
That was rude.

@sunshineandmoonbeams Thank you for listening to my whining. Oh we all have a bad day:)
@teteeugene No prob. It was rude though, you waited and waited!
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