Coast to Coast
This diary is for my wife, dear “A”.
I trust her more than I can trust myself, because my thoughts are often shallow and I finally realize that I like myself when I rely on her.
My current situation is quite different from the time when I grew up, moving into US by myself and it has been 15 years. Long and wrong. Dance and dense. Now, fortunately enough, I found my wife in Europe. At this moment, I cannot tell you that my life has become more tangled or untangled since leaving my home country. Regardless of the uncertainty, I have her and it keeps me alive and strong, I cannot wait to live with her.
As you can see that, I do not have a good organization to write something. I felt rushing to finish this diary…Tomorrow, I hope to keep my thoughts straight and structured. One thing I can tell myself is that I need to stop relying on my past, tomorrow I hope I can do better.