
ok .. so apologies for the previous post, and if you hadnt read it … then so no need to!

Im starving, like seriously theres a monster in my stomache and he is threatening to eat me if i dont feed it kinda starving, but i just sent val to lunch so i only have to wait 30 mins and then i can go get something to eat. 

Yesterday after work i went over to gil’s, went there for moral support while her family where over for dinner, things are well a little tense at the family things, but it was cute to see all the kids, i dont think i have seen max or monique all year, and max has so grown, will be 2 in august, and he is just so cute, such a different little personality to monique, everyone was talking to eden who is 3 about her weekend trip to the aquarium with gil and how she then went to see pa at work and they are asking, did you go see pa, and max joins in going, i see pa, everyone missed it, eden is still taking about the big sharks, so they ask her again, did you go see pa, so max says, i see pa, and he waves at pa, man i lost it laughing, was so so cute, and everyone missed it, max keeps waving going, i see pa, so i say, hey pa, max can see you, so pa waves at max and max gets all excited and waves again saying hi pa!

So once everything was over and the kids in the bath gil and i head off to kmart so i can pick up the photos that i put in the other day, some really really cute ones of kaitlyn, but then again, i think all pictures of her a cute!  Also put on laybe a bean bag for gils birthday, she has been wanting one for so so long, so i got her to choose one, which turns out to be the exact one i was about to buy her on the weekend but then thought i better get her to decide, anyway, put that and the cutest pair of polkadot pj’s for kaitlyn.  Other than that, didnt get much, tried on some jeans in a few different shops, but cant find anything that i want, im rather particular, i want to keep my jeans that i have now, but they are getting all holes in them, and well .. yeah … better get a new pair before they get worse!

and just on a funny note, i just had to get a height and weight on a patient, the guy had spikey hair, and it was a few inches high, so i go to do his height and he has so much gel in it that the height thing wont go down to his head, so i get the giggles because he has to part his hair and hold it down with his hands so the slider can go down to his head .. was rather amusing .. or well, at least i thought so!

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June 14, 2007

sheesh. I have spikey hair. But its not THAT bad