what you wish for (draft)
i can remember
being young
being impulsive
watching the slow summer days roll by
the clouds roll by
seeming to never end
the hum of the bees,
the hiss of wind on grass,
and on the hilltop touching the breeze
feeling it catch my clothes
wishing it could catch time
and like my shirt blow it forward
the breeze catches my shirt, blowing it forward
the cool, clean, sanitized breeze,
always blowing
the hiss of the air conditioning
the hum of the monitors,
and beyond the glass, the sun,
the grass,
the bees…
and touching the breeze,
feeling it catch my clothes
wishing it could catch time,
and blow it backwards,
back to when I was impulsive,
when I was young,
when I could dream of tomorrow…
[10:35 AM]
Don’t quite know what’s with me today, what my mood is.
I guess that it’s just the daily grind dragging me down, but I can remember when summer seemed endless, seemed boring, seemed like childhood would never end… and I dreamed of being an adult and having so much more to do.
How fickle I seem now, to be in the barest bit of summer and to remember wistfully those days where there was so little to do, now that every day is the same, sucking down sterile air, sitting in a sterile office, working on such mundane things…