spun sugar

a field of whiteness
is not what i had in mind
for this morning’s drive

perhaps fifty feet
visible through spun sugar
with no end in sight

and i thought before
that drivers in my city
were without a clue…


[8:41 AM]
In my neck of the woods, drivers are notorious for having trouble in any bad conditions. They do not know how to drive in the snow, for example. Or ice. Or sleet. Or when it’s raining. Or when the roads are dry.


So, this morning (as I do every morning), I checked traffic online for any delays before leaving the house. (There is, as mentioned many times before, a seven-mile stretch of highway without exits, and I try to avoid getting caught behind a wreck in there – forewarned is forearmed). And thus, I noticed that there were delays along my route, and checked.

The fog had rolled in, basically blocking the way and ensuring that it would take longer to get to the office.

So I left a little early, and my initial drive wasn’t so bad. And then I got onto that highway stretch… and it turned into solid fog.

Even as I sit in my office now, I cannot fully see out to the lot (perhaps seventy-five to a hundred feet away). Ugh.

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