You hit me in the throat!
Today I worked part of the day, and then had lunch/dinner with Kim, and then after that I went over to Tara’s and picked her up and we went to church to go to Unknown’s cell group again, its funny. We played simon says also haha. Fun times lol. Then there was the funny time when Adam, Aaron, and Dave were all like hugging or…something on the floor lmao. I was like “When did Simon say that?!?!?!” haha. Yah, good times lmao. Then we all went outside for this water balloon game, some people stayed with the water balloon launcher and the rest of us went across the field, split into two teams and had big white sheets, and when the balloons were launched we had to catch them on the sheet and it didn’t count if they popped, my team won by one point, but as one was being launched and I looked up to see where it went, BAM it hit me square in the throat oh man that hurt like a mutha lmaooooo. After a while, some of us were like ok its time to switch!!! So Adam and I went to the launching side on the other side of the field, and after Eric taught me how to launch correctly, it was my turn haha. And so the boys with sheets and stuff saw me go up to launch and they were like move em in! And I was like…”ooooh thats what you think” and BAM that sucker flew lmao Eric was like dang, nice one, nice one, then I did it again and they were like wow holy crap lmaooo but the last one was best….it went COMPLETELY PAST everyone, and they were allready way out almost on the complete end up the field, I got definite high fives for those lmao. Everyone on both sides was saying how great I am and how I was better than the boys. That made me a happy panda haha then eventually we just dug in and threw balloons at each other, it was fun times to the max. Then Aaron threw all the last water on top of me yes!! haha. After that we went to Taco Bell, and Aaron and Tara were making fun of me for my lisp and how I can’t say thesaurus..OH WAIT first on the way to Taco Bell we put in my New Kids on the Block greatest hits CD lmaoooo and blared it, it was great! At Taco Bell my dad called talking to my about the whole court date thing and Aaron was listening in to my part of the conversation as I was like “You ran into Officer Gray?? I love that guy! What, oh thats right I have my court date.” and all this crap lmaoooo he was like WHAT, so I had to tell the story AGAIN. Tara says I’m really fun when I tell stories that I really get into lmao. Then I brought Tara home and got home at like 10:30, tomorrow is WEDNESDAY! Revolution, oh how I’ve missed you haha. Then there is KARAOKE!!! Hopefully Jarrod will show up again lmao. Adios, time to fly lol.