Looky what my big girl can do!!!!!!

She is so big she started to sit by herself a few days ago. It seems like every day she is doing something else. She sits on her own now and rolls over both directions like crazy. She is starting to scoot more and more. She has been rideing this little push tractor for a few weeks now and today she sat on her all by herself. ( my hands were right by her incase she fell) She lost her balance once but before i could grab her she cought herself. My little girl is growing up. Now that she has the hang of sitting she doen’st want to lay down or sit anymore now she wants to stand. i know she will be crawling and walking before i know it. In a way it makes me sad cause she is growing so fast but i am happy she is doing so well. That last picture looks like she is going to just start crawling off.

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Awww, that reminded me of when my niece started sitting on her own!! ^_^ She would be surrounded by pillows and I would give her toys to try to grab which always made her fall sideways trying to grab them. They grow up but it’s amazing to watch them learn and get stronger everyday. You can just see it in their eyes that they’re constantly learning. Anyway, have a great day!

September 27, 2008

Oops. I wasn’t signed in when I left that note. Now you know, I guess.

congratulations to both of you!

September 28, 2008

Aww.. she is so cute!