Finally a break!!!!

Yay it seems like we finally caught a break. I gave in to my hubby and finally went and applied for WIC  because it was putting too much of a strain on our marriage. We recieved about $130 in formula for this month which i must admit is gonna help out a lot and hopefully relieve some of the stress on our marriage. We also recieved 3 boxes of 92 diapers from Matt’s co workers tonight which is also gonna help. So it seems that we finally got a break financially even though i feel like a charity case and i hate that. It makes Matthew happier so i guess i’m happy and i will swallow all my pride and just be thankful for a little bit of help because hopefully this will also help to save mine and matt’s marriage. I also found Kayley a dress and matt a shirt that will be perfect for my sisters wedding and they were only $5 a piece. Thankfully i found a dress in my closet (it acutualy fit. I couldn’t believe it. None of my clothes seem to fit anymore.) that will work so we don’t have to spend big bucks on clothes that we may never wear again. Our second fridge that were were useing as a deep freeze died today but it’s ok we can do without it for a while. I am determined to not to get depressed no matter what life throws at me. I mean i have a wonderful husband that loves me and a beautiful healthy daughter. I am lucky and i would be selfish to ask for anything more.

I am starting to loose a lot of weight i am already 10 pounds lighter then i was before i got pregnant. We are going to a gym every night and i am starting to work my abs out and hopfully get my tummy firmed up after a bit cause i want my body back. I am so sick of that digusting extra flab.

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