3 months

Sorry i haven’t written in a while i have been very busy takeing care of kayley and my 2 year old newphew and still trying ot get all the housework and all done. It almost got the best of me but in the end i finally got use to going from being just me to pretty much being a mom to an infant and 2 year old. Camden and My sister have been here since the beginning of the summer for an internship my sister got here. I ended up haveing to watch Camden because on his second day of daycare here he came home with hand shaped bruises on both of his arms. They went home july 25 and Kayley and i tagged along so i could cater my other sister’s wedding the 2nd. Matt came and Joined us on the second for the wedding then the next evening we went to south mississippi to visit his family. We ended up staying there till early yesterday morning. It was so nice to be home. I was a little worried about the tropical storm that hit yesterday bacuse the news was saying lake charles was gonna get more then we really got. All it was was a tiny bit of wind and rain. We had friends here trying to get us to stay in mississippi but i dind’t think it was gonna be much and matthew had to be back for a meeting at Laburge. Kayley is really happy to be home. Once we got home i layed her in her crib and she started laughing and smilling and cooing. She was so happy. She is getting so much bigger every day.

She will be 3 months old saturday. I can’t believe it has been 3 months so far it seems like just yesterday she came into this world. She is getting so big. She trys to sit up and her own and can for about 3 minutes at a time. She holds her head up very well and smiles and laughs all the time. She has found her hands and grabs everything includeing her feet. She is so active and has started to talk up a storm. Her babbling has just recently started to sound like words. Her first word was Yeah and she uses it all the time and in context the fist time i really thought much about it is when i said she that this blanket was gonna have to go everywhere with us. she said yeah and my sister thought it was her 2 year old. On a few other occasions she has said it and people thought it was me syaing it. She also says momma but she only says that when she is mad. She has tried out da and i think just recently she has said nana i have heard it a few times liek the other day i said nana is calling and plain as day she says nana my mom also thought she heard it when we were there. She isn’t even 3 months yet and she is already talking. Well she just woke from her nap so i better go tend to her.

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