LSE 951-1000

951) Do you play with your food: If I’m not hungry.

952) Are you a slow or a fast eater: Slow.

953) How many times a day do you eat: Two to three.

954) Does it bother you to eat in front of other people: Yeah, I don’t like for people to watch me eat, and I hate being around people who are eating. The sound of it grosses me out.

955) What’s the most amount of food you have eaten in one day: Probably around Thanksgiving or Christmas.

956) Is your house currently a mess: Yes, there’s little bits of paper all over the floor.

957) Do you get a lot of headaches: More than the average person.

958) Have you ever made a snow angel: Yes.

959) Have you ever ran away from home: Yes.

960) What would you do if you found out you were pregnant: I’d probably cry. I want another one, but not right now.

961) Do you want to be anorexic: Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

962) Do you play video games: I do…I love them.

963) Do you have a gameboy: Not anymore.

964) What is your favorite type of meat: Seafood…shrimp…mmm…

965) Could you ever be a vegan: No, because I love cheese.

966) What kind of bagels are your favorite: Onion bagels, toasted, with butter.

967) Have you ever tried to kill yourself: How many times is the question going to pop up?

968) What kind of cookies are you favorite: Either peanut butter or chocolate chip.

969) Have you ever been to court: No.

970) Were you the plaintiff or the defendant: Not applicable.

971) Why did you go: Not applicable.

972) Do you have a gym membership: No.

973) Describe your gym: I don’t have one.

974) Do you pay monthly or yearly dues: Not applicable.

975) What do you usually do at the gym: Not applicable.

976) What was the last movie that caused you to become emotional: Um, hm…I can’t remember.

977) If you cheated on someone would you confess to that person: I wouldn’t cheat, but yes I would confess to it.

978) Under what circumstances would you cheat on your mate: There aren’t any.

979) Have you ever been to Antarctica: No, I haven’t.

980) How much money do you give in offerings to the church: I don’t go to church.

981) What is your favorite brand of water: Ozarka…I guess.

982) Have you ever ate yellow snow: No.

983) What is the biggest snowfall you have ever seen: I don’t know.

984) How much does it snow where you live: Rarely.

985) Can you do a cartwheel: Yes.

986) Do you like jumping off the diving board: I don’t.

987) What kind of neat jumps can you do off of it: Falling.

988) What is your favorite kind of oatmeal: Maple and Brown Sugar…I may have that for dinner.

989) How many phones are in your house: Two cell phones.

990) Are you afraid of mice and rats: Not really.

991) Do you watch Survivor: Never.

992) How often do you pray: Every night.

993) How often do you read whatever holy book your religion may have: When I can.

994) Do you wear any hats: Only in the winter.

995) Do you have a large vocabulary: This is a repeat question.

996) Are you alert to opportunities: Depends on what kind of opportunities.

997) Do you think of some people as not worthy of being your friend: Yes.

998) Ever caught a fish: Yes.

999) Have you ever given away something you made: Yes.

1000) Have you ever taken martial arts classes: No, but I want to.

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Chocolate chip cookies are the bomb. : ) Peace and health- INMATE (not signed in, sorry)

October 22, 2007

mmmmmm coookies!!