“I Choose to be …

human!” and with that statement, I slowly turn and press two round black discs into place, then tilt them slightly so the sand disappears, revealing stones of magic.  He follows without hesitation, choosing to be human as well.  He would follow me into fire, thereby always ensuring a majority with my decisions.  She, on the other hand, does not agree.  “Fuck off!” she snarls, knowing she has no choice but to choose to be human.  And so it is with the three of us.  We shift and travel between realms for the purpose of co-creation and expansion of truth.

We are like a circus troop to these ignorant humans.  Our tricks appear to be magic, and people laugh and shout in amazement as we defy logic and illusion.  With confidence, he raises his arms above his head and silver fire shoot from his hands into the skies, then fall upon the crowd.  She spins a wheel with her finger, first in one direction and then the other, leaving a spiral of time between the two.

No one has yet to notice me.


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March 13, 2020

I notice you…..

March 14, 2020
March 13, 2020

I like this. I’m assuming this is some of the writing you’ve been working on. I hope I can read it when it’s finished. You’ve got me intrigued about the story. I want to change forms.

March 14, 2020


No, but yes … this is a dream I had the other night, and it fits nicely into the story(ies) I’ve been writing, maybe even being a stand alone.  I tried to return to the same dream last night (and maybe I was), but instead returned to a recurring dream I’ve had since my teens, although over the span of fourty years, this is only the fourth time I’ve had it.

p.s. I believe we can change forms … it’s called dreaming;)

March 14, 2020

@teamarea you’re very wise, I like that you threw in that last sentence