A different …

… perspective was given to me from someone who reads my entries.  A perspective I’ve known about but it was the application of it that was different.  How many times have I told myself that I did the best I could raising my children, with what I had and where I was in my life?  It’s comforting in a way, but doesn’t really eliminate all the regrets and shoulda, coulda, woulda’s … sigh … however, he commented that we make choices and decisions in life based on what we think is best ‘at the time’, with what we have and where we are in life ‘at the time’ … which can change … of course it can!  I’ve never really considered that the moment of decision is based on what I feel is best at that moment.  It’s like being present with the choice, then being present with the decision, then being present with the result, then also being present in the future when the decision comes knocking at the door and says “are you still sure this is what’s best?”  Damn, this is Very Very cool!!

I’ve settled with getting it on with John on Saturday:)  When I took some nature therapy yesterday, I remembered saying to him in the midst of errrm, petting(?) Good grief, I suck at finding the proper words about this … anyway, good ol’ me had to interject something quite lovely with “John, I don’t know if I can give you more” to which he replied “you mean after tonight?” and then he said “stop thinking”.  I laughed and said “I can’t, that’s what I do”  Then he said “don’t worry” and it was like a switch was flipped and I stopped worrying and just enjoyed what was happening in the moment,  which actually lasted for awhile ahahahahahahahah So if I were to group this experience in with my sexual healing bits, there’s something to be said about not worrying while having sex.  I can’t say I’m ready to jump in bed again with him, but at least now the experience feels much better than it did.

There’s a PQ meeting tonight which I’m totally not feeling like attending.  It’s a business meeting, and truth? I’m done with this writing group … well, at this moment I’m done hahahah Omg, my entire perspective about life has shifted slightly and it’s fun!!  I wonder if this perspective will meld with some bits of my past that cling and change them.  Anyway, there’s a writing group in Moose Jaw that seems more active with writing and supporting each other, rather than business and two or three public events per year.  It would mean an overnighter unless I’m so amped with creative energy that I can drive two hours home at 9:00 at night.  There’s a meeting Thursday night, but my cash flow hasn’t started yet this year, so I’m thinkin it’ll be February’s meeting that I’ll hit up.


An afterthought – the choice and decision I’ve made re: withdrawing (sex) with Dan continues to feel exactly right.  His behaviour definitely caused me to rethink it, especially because it feels like I’ve lost a friend.  Each and every time I reconsider my decision though, there is a feeling of ease and peace, regardless of how our friendship is playing out.  We still chat online in the morning, but texting has all but completely stopped.  It’s sad, but it was the best decision at that moment and I don’t regret it, and interestingly enough, I can tell that it’s the truth.


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January 21, 2020

I have always second guessed myself when it came to the well being of my son.  There was a lot of years I wondered if he would hate me for whatever I did and be one of those kids who went to hang out with the wrong people?  But as it turned out I did a pretty darn good job raising him “alone” because his father was never there.  But then I did have some help from my mom and some friends so it all worked out.  But all we can do is hope we did our job as a parent and make sure our adult children are respectable people in society.

January 26, 2020


Well said J:)

January 21, 2020

The perspective of thinking about what was right in the moment is definitely an important one – I know that I second- and third-guess decisions I made as a parent now, years later. I will try to remember this, because it is helpful. Probably better than my usual defensive response, which is “well, there’s nothing I can do about it now!” 🙂

January 26, 2020


As my kids become parents, I am in that sweet spot of being Gramma with alllll my Gramma wisdom hahahaha and while I can’t do anything about how I raised my kids, I can definitely do something about how I continue to raise them by being the best Gramma I can be for their children.  It’s practice for me to remember this though, and when I do all the shoulda, coulda, woulda’s simply disappear;)

January 27, 2020

@teamarea that is great perspective!

January 21, 2020

I think of the recent fight I had with my former friend. The decision to end the friendship, I don’t regret because I know I needed to put myself first. I do think that there were better ways I could have gone about it. But that’s all just a guess. Things might have gone worse if I had done things differently, who knows? All I know is that at the time, my decisions felt right with the information I had.

I’m glad that my note was helpful to you in some way.

I hope you can find a writing group that works for you.

Friendships change or end and it’s sad. But based on what you’ve said, you made the right choice. You are working on you and the person that you want to be is clashing with the person he wants you to be. That’s what it’s really about. Who you want to be vs who he wants you to be. It’s sad that they aren’t the same, but you made the right choice.

January 26, 2020


Ha!! Yes!!!  “… and the person that you want to be is clashing with the person he wants you to be. That’s what it’s really about. Who you want to be vs who he wants you to be. It’s sad that they aren’t the same …”

Thing is, I think I’m doing the same thing …