Un drole de petit Francais



Un drole de petit Francais
est venu diner un jour
Il aimait la place, nous avons vecu en tant
qu’il a decide de rester.
Je ne comprenais pas
une seule chose at-il dit
mais il parlait en anglais
les mondes couru autour de ma tete
Donc, je hochai la tete pour lui poliment
et a dit qu’il avait besoin d’aller
et l’a envoye sur son chemin
Il etait charmant et elequent
il etait heureux et qu’il etait gay
mais je ne pouvais pas comprendre
un seul mot qu’il dit!

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March 26, 2013

aww je l`adore xD

March 26, 2013

I am guessing thats not Australian for wine…..lol hugs p

March 28, 2013

bon appetite

March 28, 2013

I know your cleverer than me.

March 31, 2013

A small French funny came for dinner a day He loved the place, we have lived in both that he decided to stay.I did not understandone thing at – he said but he spoke in French the worlds ran around my head So, I nodded to him politely and said that he needed to go and it has posted on its way He was charming and elequentHe was happy and that he was gay but I could not understand a single wordhe

April 5, 2013

No matter how I tried I couldn’t translate this without an odd word popping up here or there and making me laugh. I get the point, and this surely is delightful.