Pelican’s Log


Sunday 18th Nov 90 lts – Maryborough
Tuesday 20th Nov 10 lts – Urangan
Tuesday 27th Nov 30 lts – Gladstone
Thursday 29th Nov – Remaining fuel 40 lts – Fuel used 90lts
Friday 30th – 30lts – Town of Seventeen Seventy.
Fuel remaining end trip – 40lt
Total Fuel used on trip – 160lt
Sunday 18th Nov 2012
1300hrs – Motored down Mary River 2 POB Rean and Pat
1630hrs – Anchored in Mary River
Weather – Thunderstorms
Monday 19th Nov
0600hrs – Motored to Kingfisher Bay
0730hrs – Anchored Kinfisher Bay
1000hrs – Motored to Urangan
1130hrs – Booked into Marina
1200hrs – Met Marion and Reean departed for home. Lunch at the Boat Club
Weather – 15-20kt Northerly wind. More wind with new trough tomorrow.
Tuesday 20th Nov
Hervey Bay Marina. Supplies and Fuel
Wednesday 21st Nov
0400hrs – Motored to Coungal Crk on Fraser Island
Winds SE at 12kts
0700hrs – Raised sail. Sail cover not working properly affecting the sail.
0900hrs – Lowered sail. Motored to Bowal Creek, Triangle Cliffs, Fraser Island.
1130hrs – Entered Bowal Creek to overnight.
Weather – Clear, sunny, 15kt easterly.
Thursday 22nd Nov
1500hrs – Set sail for Lady Elliot. Overnight sail
Wind 12kt NNE
Speed 3kt
1700hr – Wind `4kt NE
Speed 6kts
Friday 23rd Nov
0600hrs – Lady Elliot Island. No safe landing and restricted anchoring because of protected coral reefs
0700hrs – Set sail for Lady Musgrave. Light NE wind. Started motor to assist.
1100hrs – Lady Musgrave Lagoon. Restricted landing site, Lady Musgrave Cruise boat came in with tourists. I left.
1130hrs – Sailed past Fairfax Island. Coral fringed with no access at low tide.
Wind NE 12ktsk
1730hrs – Anchored at Pancake crk Bustard Hd on Mainland
Saturday 24th Nov
0700hrs – Walked 2.4k to Bustard Lighthouse and toured the Museum and talked to the Volunteer light house keepers Stuart and Rosemary.
0900hrs – Walked 1.6k to Jenny Lind Crk
1045hrs – Photographed the LARC amphibious vehicle traversing Jenny Lind Crk.
1100hrs – Walked 2k around Jenny Lind Crk and 2 k back.
1300hrs – walked 1.6k to Lighthouse and was invited to lunch with Stuart
1630hrs – back at Pelican in Pancake Crk. 12k walking today.
Sunday 25th Nov
0100hrs – Motored to Gladstone. Light NE wind incoming tide.
1600hrs – Gladstone Marina
1900hrs – Picked up Marina facility key from Security guard
Monday 26th Nov
0900hrs – Booked in Marina, need insurance currency certificate.
1100hrs – Bus to Valley in Gladstone for supplies
Tuesday 27th Nov
0700hrs – Added strip of carpet to dagger board case to take up movement. Adjusted tiller steering.
Weather – Forecast E-NE at 10-15kts till Friday.
Wednesday 28th Nov
1300hrs – Fueled up boat
1400hrs – Motored up the Narrows through the Gas construction on Curtis Is.
1830hrs – Through the Narrows, anchored for the night.
Thursday 29th Nov
0600hrs – Motored to Port Alma.
0930hrs – Port Alma.
1030hrs – Ship Hill Light Curtis Island. Raised sail. Tangled cord that was tied in the Marina to stop movement.
Taped two rope hooks together to pull it down. That failed so I taped a knife to the hooks and cut the line down.
1100hrs – Weather NE wind at 14kt. Tacked to seaward and past close to Hummocky Island and sailed off to Cape Capricorn.
1400hrs – Furled sail at Rundle Island and considered anchoring for the night but decided not as the tide would cover most
of it and leave me exposed to the swell.
1430hrs – Set a course for Pancake crk which was a little close to windward, motors sailing at 7.5kts.
1800hrs – Changed course for Facing Island to allow me to anchor in daylight.
Weather – Clear, wind 15kts
Friday 30th Nov
0400hrs – Motored to Pancake creek
Weather – 5kts NE wind, 1.5mt swell
0900hrs – Anchored in Pancake crk close to beach with anchor fore and aft. Will shift to deep water later tonight.
1800hrs- Anchor in deeper water
Saturday 31st Nov
0400hrs – Leave Pancake crk and motor past inner and outer rocks, set sail and plot a course for Round Hill Crk.
Wind. Light Nrth East
0900hrs- Fuel up at the Marina in Round Hill Crk and move back to anchor in shallow water to let the boat ground as the tide recedes
2100hrs – Move Pelican to deeper water.
Sunday 1st Dec
0330hrs – Clear the bar on Pancake Crk
0400hrs – Set sail for Burnet Heads, Bundaberg.
Wind – 10kts Nrth East
Speed – 6 kts
swell – 2 mt
1600hrs Reach the Cardinal mark on the leads running into Bundaberg port.
1700hrs – Anchor in Burnet Hds boat harbour.
Monday 2nd Dec
0800hrs- American yacht ‘Mystic’ anchored next to me and the owner Randy comes over to talk.
1000hrs – Motor to Bundaberg town reach and back
1700hrs – Raft up next to Randy and Jenny’s yacht and have dinner with them
Tuesday 3rd Dec
1000hrs – Sail out the leads for the morning with Randy and Jenny.
1300hrs – Set Randy and Jenny back on Mystic and anchor up
1800hrs – Randy and Jenny come over and I cook dinner.
Wind 20 kts all night
Wednesday 4th Dec
0600hrs – Wind gusting to 25kts
0830hrs – Set sail for Sandy Straits
Swell 2mts and breaking
Wind – 20-25kts
1300hrs – Swell builds to 3m and breaker
1330 – Sail now reefed to one panel.
Speed – 6-7kts, 11kts running down waves. Broached on one wave a surfed along it, watched the GPS readout climb to 15kts.
1430 hrs – Furl sails in the lee of Big Woody Island and motor to River Heads.
1600hrs – Anchor in Susan River
Thursday 5th Dec
Weather – Heavy Fog
0900hrs – Fog lifted – Motored to Maryborough
1200hrs – Pelican rests.

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December 6, 2012

sounds a great schedule…so where are the photos? hugs and smiles p

December 7, 2012

how do you know when to log? when things change? or at a set time?

December 7, 2012

sounds good but hard to imagine your life.