Once Upon a Christmas Morning

Early Christmas morning, I was awakened by a loud thud. Lying still in my bed, I listened intently for another sound to verify my awakened state. After a few short minutes of nothing, I rolled over and closed my eyes.


          My eyes burst open as I lied still once more, trying desperately to reassure myself that I was just hearing things.


          This time I was sure I wasn’t just hearing things. Or maybe I was… After all, it is difficult for me to justify my waking state from my sleeping state.


          I knew something was awry. I sprang from my bed in as little clothing as possible – as would be the normal attire for bedtime wear. To the door I crept and stealthily opened the door and began to creep to the foot of the stairs.


          The noises seemed to be coming from downstairs… I looked out the window at the top of the stairs… It was still dark out and the only light coming through the window was coming from the only working lamppost outside. I crept back to my room to grab a flashlight and then made my way down the stairs as carefully as possible.


          What could be causing this raucous noise at this hour of the morning? I asked myself, wondering if maybe Santa had been delayed and was finally delivering all the gifts I requested this year – after all, I made his nice “honors” list this year.

           Picking the wedgy that had been conforming to my buttocks; I continued my venture down the stairs. I heard more sounds as I approached the foot of the stairs, but this time, I didn’t hear the sounds coming from the floor I had presumed it to be coming from. The sounds were now coming from upstairs.

          I made my way back up the stairs as stealthily as possible and without making too much commotion.


          As I reached the foot of the stairs, the sound now was coming from down stairs! How could that be? I was just down there!


          I froze halfway down the stairs as I realized something had just fallen through the roof of my house and had made it down both the floors in my house. Something had just entered my house and I know it wasn’t the Squirrel General… He’s too small to make such a loud noise. It couldn’t be Santa either; he may be a heavyset gentleman, but he knows to go through the chimney and not through the roof.

          Grasping my flashlight and switching the light on so it was now pointing in front of me, I made my way down the stairs. As I slowly began to approach the ‘landing zone’, I squealed in fear as the light of the flashlight illuminated what had fallen from my roof and landed on the floor.


[to be continued …by you]  Merry Christmas!

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Merry christmas back to you! and also, I love your diary pic! 🙂 Such a beautiful dog you have!

January 1, 2007

why on earth i sat here and giggled at the possible outcomes of this entry for a half hour, is beyond me. hope you’re doing well *hugs* Love, skippy

January 1, 2007

you know, its probably because its three in the morning and i’ve been up for almost three days, that’d do it for sure…..