In an Instance
Standing on the edge of oblivion is a man whose life rests on the balancing forces of nature.
In an instance, gravity may shift, a balance may be altered…
something might occur that could change this man’s life.
Which direction does he choose?
Falling into oblivion can be cited as a reference to an endless bliss;
however, it can also be seen as a reference for a losing battle with one’s own inner-workings.
On the other hand, however; falling backwards can be referenced as a sign of good luck.
The further away from oblivion the better, he would say.
Unfortunately, like all interpretations of man’s words, falling backwards can be a sign of weakness…
insecurity… falling behind in life… the end.
Sometimes I fear falling.
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sounds like an unstable equilibrium. i sometimes think i’d prefer falling instead of standing still.
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