Drunken thoughts (Words.)

I was driving home
(no surprise there)
but something struck me tonight:
a big half of a bright red moon.
What makes a moon so rusty orange?
What will ever be so rich
& colorful
in my life,
as what I saw tonight?
Intense, glowing, formidable,
daring me to acknowledge,
recognize its presence.
I stopped for a full 5 seconds
at a stop sign
(longer than usual) […ever]
before I sped away swerving
until I just remembered
and sambled it down.

(this is what the last few words looked like.
i really couldn’t read my own handwriting.)

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June 26, 2008

lol I ment horse back riding with my boyfriend mark. have a blessed day

thank you for your kind note. I read this entry…is this fictional luv?