I talked to one of my friends tonight and she mentioned (again)that she hates my brother and asked her husband why he hangs out with him whenever he’s here visiting and he said "He’s smarter than Tamalee" and she said he hates me for some reason but she doesn’t know why. She said she’ll ask him. We’ve known each other for years, went to the same school and everything. She was also bitching about the elementary school her son might go to if they don’t move out of this town (the same elementary school Wesley goes to and loves)- and said the school we went to would at least give our kids a good education. She also said all the people she’s talked to about it complained about the school being mostly Hispanic and how one of her friends’ daughters is in Kindergarten there and will probably be repeating it because the Kindergarten class she’s in (in the morning when they use both languages, Afternoon is when they just use English)is bilingual and she’s having too many problems with it. It’s way too late to do anything now since school is over soon for the summer but why didn’t her mom say something to the school about it and have her daughter put into the afternoon class? Apparently they’re changing things because Christopher will be going to Kindergarten in the mornings. I personally love that school – everyone who works there is friendly, the teachers are nice, the education Wesley is getting is great and it’s a diverse school so he’ll get to know lots of different people. The school we went to is predominately white, some Hispanics and a couple Asians. Of course, she’s also the one who lets her almost 3 year old drink apple juice before bed, lets him stay up until really late (we got off the phone around 11:30 p.m. and he was still awake), tells him to shut up, tells him to go away, etc. She’s pregnant again and due in November.
Well, I really should go. It’s late and I need sleep. *hugs*
Thanks 🙂
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What is bad about drinking apple juice before bed? Is it because you’ll have to get up and go to the bathroom? Just curious – I am kind of ignorant about kids!
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