Volunteers needed* With online version

I might have mentioned on here that I am doing research on how child birth impacts a woman’s femininity, body image. 

I am looking for volunteers to interview on a one on one basis. The interviews can happen in person, over the phone, or I will have an online format up and running shortly. 

To qualify you have to have had a child in the past 5 years, and have clear recollection of at least one of your birth experiences, and be willing to talk to me honestly about your birth experience, and how you feel now. 

This will be kept confidential, and I will not share any identifying information. 

If this is something you might be interested in please leave me a note letting me know how you would like to do the interview. 

Share it with someone who may want to participate?

Thanks in advance to all of you who are willing to help. 

 So, I have the link up and ready to go..


Here is the online version of the interview!












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I would do the online version 🙂 I’ve had two children in the past 5 years.

I will…just need to pick a time that I can talk uninterrupted. 🙂