Little girls are mean

 I have come to the conclusion that little girls named Alexis do not get along with little girls named Samara.

When Samara was in preschool the one little girl who picked on her the most was Alexis. She was mean. Just mean. I am so glad preschool is over. 

Now she is at horse camp.

My little girl is the smallest little girl there. Smallest child there infact. She is a tiny lady. 

So there is a girl who isn’t much older, but much bigger than her, a lot lower functioing than her. She is just plain mean to my daughter,

She pushes her over, and today I saw her kick my child until she bled. Every time she touches her she ends up bleeding. 

What was Samara doing that was so offensive? Just standing there waiting on her backpack. Earlier she was walking in line, the time before washing her hands. 

I am not the mom who assumes that my child is perfect, but when I see this little girl bully my child unprovoked I get angry.

The therapists there said I have to understand that she isn;t as advanced as my child and I need to give her allowances. Which I get. I know my child is at autism camp. I get that means the kids will be of varying stages of devolpment. 

But hurting my child is not part of the learning process. If she is vicious she needs to be kept away, or asked to not come back if she is endangering others. You bet my higher functioning child would be asked to leave. I would have to go right then to pick her up.

I am just asking for my child to be safe at camp is that too much to ask?

Ughh this mama bear is not happy. You better believe I will say something more. 

I guess it goes to show you that not mater the disability or ability little girls are mean to one another. I don’t like it. 





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June 27, 2012

Little girls? All girlsnof all ages are mean unfortunately 🙁

June 27, 2012

that’s the same load of crap i got from the head start teachers my daughter had this year. there were a COUPLE kids that would knock my kid down and just generally be nasty to her for no reason. and since then, she’s learned to be nasty to her older brother. i’m hoping kindy next year will mellow her out.

Random reader…saw you on the Front Page. That is NOT right at all. I understand how children with autism are. My beloved Miss Patsy Ann is severely autistic and yes…sometimes she does get violent, usually against adults, but she has lashed out at other children too. And when that happens…? She is IMMEDIATELY reprimanded by her teachers, therapists, and family. Isn’t the point to getthem to function at a higher level?? How can that possibly happen if you do not set boundaries and teach them to respect those boundaries and to rise up to them…? Giving that girl a free pass to be violent with other children is NOT helping her and it’s certainly NOT helping your poor daughter. What kind of a message does that send to all of them…? Just because a child has autism doesn’t mean anything goes. To the contrary, they need structure, rules, and organization even more than children without autism. It’s GOOD for them, at least it has been good for Patsy and the children she goes to school with. They all have learned and grown so much over the past two years and that didn’t come about by them just being allowed to do anything they want.

I really hope you are able to do something about this situation, because it’s just not right. No child should have to put up with being bullied. I don’t care what the circumstances are. And that whole…well, kids are just means and other kids and parents just have to accept that…? Ah Hell to the no! Yes. Kids may just be mean. But someone needs to teach them better and if that someone will damn well be me if I catch them picking on another child. Period. Wishing the very best for your and your daughter. *HUGS* Good luck.

She should definitely be kept away from others if she’s a danger, and if they aren’t equipped to help the child while keeping everyone else safe then they need to tell her parents not to bring her back. It isn’t fair to the other kids who get hurt 🙁

June 27, 2012

Yeah autistic or not you are expecting your child to be safe when left in the care of others in a setting such as this. I would be livid! It’s definitely time to say something.

I agree…they are mean. I hope that my girls will always be kind.

June 27, 2012

*hug* I’d be incredibly upset too, no mother wants to see that wether the child is disabled or not. I’ve seen and had autistic children pick on others and become violent and we’ve always intervened telling them that its NOT okay.

June 27, 2012

When Cody was acting out physically … I was required to have him secluded from the other kids. Having Autism doesn’t give a child free reign to hurt others. They need to address it now…

June 27, 2012

It doesn’t matter the “stage of development” or whatever they said with a case like this, autistic or not. Beating up on each other until someone is bleeding should never be tolerated by anyone and much less accepted…no way! That child is an endangerment to others and should either have to be kicked out of the program, or have a constant aide with her to keep the other children safe. This is inno means okay and I can’t believe the therapists are allowing this to go on. Poor Samara 🙁 You know my issues with bullying…I hate it with a passion. I hate to see kids going through it. I see it a lot in special education (kids with not only autism, but other behavior disorders and the like) and some teachers allow them free reign to do it because “they just don’t know better”. That is a load of crap in most cases. If there is intervention early enough, it can be stopped. I hope you can find a solution! I think more needs to be done here…

June 28, 2012

I agree with Girl,interrupted…and it’s a shame that this camp wouldn’t think so, too. :/

June 28, 2012

RYN: Oh, I totally agree that medication is wayyy over-prescribed. Everytime you walk into a doctor’s office, chances are you’ll walk out with a prescription. I knew I needed something to help me, though, because I couldn’t stabilize myself. I had tried for quite some time, and I could see that my problems were just getting worse. Doctors seem to be more of pill-pushers than anything else, these days.

June 28, 2012

Kids are SO cruel! More-often-than not, I see that the mean kids come from homes that are more critical, and the sweet-natured kids come from loving homes that are always kept in positivity. I’m not a professsional, though. I’m a preschool teacher and have been working with kids for the last 5 years.

June 29, 2012

That’s so bad. I think it mainly depends on the parents too. Maybe that little girl’s parents give her just too many allowances for being autistic. But of course that doesn’t mean beating other people’s kids. Autistic or not, parents should work towards bullying behaviour as you described in your entry.

June 29, 2012

=( the people at the camp are wrong, which i know you know. but you cant let children hurt each other (or in this case just one child hurting yours).. that doesnt teach them anything. im sorry good luck!