homeschooling thoughts

 The weekend was good. I went to a homeschool event which was interesting. 

I learned a few things there.

In my area I am a bit odd to homeschooling, like I wear pants and I plan to teach evolution as well as creationism, but not for like 10 years and thus I don’t see the need to have cirriculm that is based on either theory.

I don’t have nearly enough children to homeschool.

Samara and I may clash because I think very abstractly and I don’t think she does.

I have a visual processing problem, that I could chose to work on, or I could simply live with it because I have figured life out up until this time.

I am easily bored, and I feel kind of cheated that I went to public school where my assingments were dull, and had not room for varaitation, and I didn;t learn that much.

I also found out there are lawyers that help with homeschool law, so hopefully someone can help with the whole therapy/school/homeschool/insurance company thing. 

I was overloaded with choices on what to do, but I still haven’t found exactly what I want to do for her next year. I need some cirriculm and a plan to follow. I know she needs to learn how to read, and I need to figure out how to meet her sensory needs, and help her be happy.

We started yesterday on some school with a unit study on dinosaurs.

She is sad she can’t go to preschool anymore. She actually cried. I feel bad, she is having a hard time with change, but you know we all do sometimes. 

With the whole homsechool thing I am not sure i have any clue what I am doing, but I am doing it. The pros to this out weigh the cons to it, and it is something that needs to happen so that Samara is not trampled to death a school that is not going to have her best intrest at heart, and tells me I am simply a bad mother, and if i beleived in better disciplene then she wouldn’t be autitisic. 

I am optimisitc about this. I view it as a challange. It will be good right?

Of course it will be. Homeschooling means no fighting her to wake up every morning. No transportation issues with me in school, and no absences for therapy. 

ughh my sister left the gas stove on all night again, (second time this week 4th time in the past month) and we had to leave the house in a rush when we woke up. It smelled so bad. I think we need to start having emergency drills with Samara. when we told her we had to leave she sat there and cried





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May 22, 2012

Pretty scary about letting the gas flow…. :/ Homeschooling. We have many friends who are doing that. If I had all sorts of money I’d pay for our grandkids to go to a Christian school like the one at our own church vs being in the public ones. But alas…not the case. Homeschooling would be my next choice if one of the parents can stay home and do it. Good for you, and I know there’s more than enough material out there to make it work for your family. I think you’ll gain from it along with the kids….

May 22, 2012

I was homeschooled until high school and both were the best things for me. I’m glad to have been homeschooled because I got a great education– when I went to public school in high school I outsmarted everyone; but then at the same time, going to a public high school was the best thing for me at that time because what I had in intelligence, I totally lacked in social skills. Balance is key. 🙂

Yikes, the gas stove on is really scary to me! I would seriously become panicky ocd about checking it! i have to check my various hot irons over and over after I use them. Yay for homeschooling! I look forward to reading about. it!

May 22, 2012

I just found out that they moved Cody’s special classroom even further from our house. I don’t know what I’m going to do. He already spends 2 hours a day on the bus. This is going to add an additional 30 each way.

May 22, 2012

With the ending of school… so ended Cody’s services. I’m having to work with him here. We’re doing summer school times four with the kids… I have Language Arts and Social Studies… and Alex has Math and Science. Id rather have Science.

May 22, 2012

Im going to try to enrolled him in the closer Elm school but I know they’ll take one look at his IEP and send us to Spring Valley. He has to be in a small contained setting with strict stimulus control. He gets al overwhelmed. I think that it just might be time to call a spade a spade and do this at home. He’s been acting out more… melting down more.