Different Virtue*

 Still pregnant…. 

Yep, still.

Over the weekend I thought I could go at any minute, but as the new week has begun, the contractions have settled, and viola I am still pregnant. 

I posted on FB that the baby is never coming out, and people liked it? What part of me still being pregnant do you like?

Then he who shall not be named posted I needed to have more patience… Really? If you know me at all you know patience was not one of my virtues I pull off with grace and ease. 

I do have other virtues, like Assertiveness, Beauty (not vanity wise but an appreciation for), Compassion, Creativity, Curiosity, Defiance, Idealism, and Wisdom. 

Not everyone has the same virtues… Nor should they. But I get sick and tired of one of them always being thrown back at me and reminded of the fact, I am not the most patient person in the world.

Back to my never ending gestation. I am getting anxious. I know with the size of baby I have, and with the doctor becoming antsy, I really need to go into labor on my own before my duedate. Why? Because of the VBAC. I need to do it on my own. I am no canidate for induction, and I know they really don’t like vbacs at 41-42 weeks. They like them at 39-40. I just keep looking at the ticker down there, and realize how fast my time is coming to an end. 

I wish I had some nesting instinct left to clean my house, or finish my homework, but I simply do not. 

I am tired, and my hips ache… 

I am sure, I am just stressed over nothing. I am sure he will arrive soon, right?

Anyways, I need to eat lunch, and then take Samara to speech. Sabastian is feeling better, which I am happy about. He is drinking some as well. 
























 babyfruit ticker















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I hope the little guy makes his appearance soon!

February 25, 2013

Obviously he who shall not be named, has no clue what us women go through being pregnant!

February 26, 2013

good luck!