2down 2 2 go

It is finals week, I took 2 today and then will have 2 on Thursday. I am looking forward to the break. Not going to lie, I am so burntout, my house is a complete wreck and all in all I am exhausted. 

You know what is exciting, my birthday is Friday! Friday the 13th to be exact, its awesome, not going to lie, I love my birthday falls on fun dates like that. Next year my birthday will be 12.13.14.

I am so tired lately I feel like I can not breathe any more. Like my air has been sucked out of me, and I am left with something else. 

My kids are good, Sirris’ hand is better, he is crawling, eating food, and standing now. Sabastian is a crazy man, but has a sweet spirit, and Samara is sweet when she wants to be. 

I come to the realization this week that I don’t fit in anywhere. Actually I fit in no where. Although I wish I had friends, I would not trade who I am for it. I am happy I am intellegent, filled with thought, and in control of who I am and where I am going. I look at my classmates, and they are so lost, and I look at the women my husband’s co-workers are with and they are dumb as a sack of rocks. I wouldn’t trade me for friends. 

I would love friends, I need friends, I am an extrovert who craves interaction, and not having it kills me somedays, but I am happy to be me, and know what I know. 

It is a happy feeling. A very happy feeling. 

I am still struggling though with something I know most of you find riduclous, I am having nightmares, and obsessive thoughts. and I just can’t make them stop… 

I suppose I should go, do something or maybe… 



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Why would someone find that ridiculous? Those are not fun things to struggle with and they are very real and scary and life altering. Happy early birthday! My brother was born on a Friday the 13th (July 1984). 🙂 A lot of people around our age are still immature. I’m not saying I’m overly mature or anything, but I can’t believe how different my life and priorities are compared to a lot of people

my age. Hopefully as time goes on and you get older, you’ll find some good friends who are more on your level of intellect. Good luck on the rest of your finals. 🙂

December 11, 2013

RYN: Thank you for your encouraging thoughts on our sad situation here in our family. I’m in agreement with you that there’s much more going on than just a simple choice of behavior in our SIL. I just don’t know if he agrees enough to enter a treatment program…but that’s what my goal is for him.

December 11, 2013


December 11, 2013

My mom used to say that Friday the 13th was good luck for people like us. I look forward to it too! Anyway, maybe you will find like minded friends soon. I’m starting to make friends at storytime and church, and then we have moms groups on facebook for locals that is kind of a nice way to stay in touch since I make it out to storytime once in a blue moon!

December 11, 2013

Well Happy early Bday hun! And I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all… *huge hugs* I feel out of breath most days too.. both physically and mentally. love,