





­ü…… ¼vÅT®Í¤µ¤éo¬J¤ß±¡……

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June 18, 2004


June 18, 2004

hey, i have the same problem too… hahaha… i probably will have to format my computer again (which i only did that earlier in this year!) those who invent virus should be put in jail for at least a week. a-aakakakak

June 18, 2004

re: ¨ä¹ê¥i¥H¶R¤F¬ä¹Ï¬ä§¹«á¦A½æ±¼… «¢«¢«¢«¢«¢….. §Ú°O±o¥H«e¦³¤H½æ§¹¦¨ªº¬ä¹Ï§r… «¢«¢«¢«¢«¢«¢«¢«¢«¢ =)

June 18, 2004

­ü…. °²¦p§A¨£¨ì§A«Ü³ßÅwªºpuzzle¨º«ç»ò¿ì??

June 18, 2004

³q±`D virus ²M²z§¹, ³£·|¦³D«ÍÀe³Ñµfö«×, ¦nÃø§¹¥þ²M°£…

June 18, 2004


©pÉNinstall ¨ì anti-virus ªºprogram§r? – kenny

June 19, 2004

Re: Kenny §Ú³£­øª¾ÂI¸Ñ¤½¥q³¡¾÷¤§«e¤@ª½³£µL¸Ëanti-virus… ¨Ì®a¸Ë¥ª°Õ~~

June 20, 2004

©O´X¤é³¡¹q¸£³£short short¦a¡A¨ì®É¨ì­Ô³¡¾÷´N§@¤Ï!