FRIENDSHIP is a single soul

dwelling in two bodies


There are three classes of people at my job: the A list, the B list and the C list. The A list are the employees who hang out together after work– The summer BBQ, drunken camping trips, going for drinks after work ,Bar hopping the last get together was the 40th birthday party which was an all girl thing and included a stripper. I just might have gone to this party if I was invited just to see the naked guy. Then there is the B List which consist of of the younger girls at work who are mostly single moms struggling to pay the bills, feed their kids, work full time, these girls just don’t have the time to have a life. I don’t fit into this group of girls because the only kids I have are my dogs and my “so called kid” aka the 15 3/4 year old. I just can’t really relate to these girls. So I have placed myself in the C list. This group consist of me, myself and I.

Sadly, I really don’t have any friends –I mean TRUE girlfriends. I have been blessed to have 5 sisters, who I love dearly, but having a really good girlfriend someone to stay up all night with and girl talk, go on a road trip, shopping together, scrapbook, the list could go on and on but you know what I mean.. I was a loner growing up and very unpopular in school. I hung out with all the misfits– even the misfits went on to find better friends. I recently told my mother that I used to hide in the closet when other children from the neighborhood wanted me to come outside and play with them. I hid in the closet for hours at a time.

Now, I sit here tonight and wonder what is wrong with me. I remember reading something that said the older you get the harder it is to find true girlfriends. It was easy for me to find BB on the personal ad site just a few clicks away and bingo there he was and only 20 minutes away. Just a phone call, dinner and almost four years now we are still together. If only there could be a website called “True Girlfriend Finder”. Life would be good for me. There was a moment a truth for me last week -my one and only friend since 8 years old called me and said she would be in town for a visit. I haven’t seen her in two years. I was looking forward to the visit. Just maybe we could be come better frineds. When she came to town I soon learned that I was only alotted about 30 minutes of her time. You see she was taking a road trip to the ocean with her True best friend. This really sucks!

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Let’s start what webiste! I need one, too. If you were closer I think you would be a blast to hang out with!

March 22, 2004

I love that quote! Plus the pic 🙂

March 22, 2004

When I started to read this I completely thought you were about to present yourself with the “A” group. I have NO real friends, in REAL LIFE, I am 32, I am “normal” but busy, working,with kids and a crazy schedule. Somehow I keep hearing this is normal for people w/kids in 30’s and 40’s… Sucks though.

March 23, 2004

Theres not one thing wrong with you. I have experienced what you say…hard to make friends the older we get.We all have such busy lives that we dont nuture friendships like we should. Its the ones who are willing to give us a larger piece of the pie that we get close to.

March 23, 2004

Hey, I’m all for the website…when do you want to start it? I’m always up for making new friends…want to be mine?

Looks like people think your website idea is a good one! I think we all feel that in a sense we could fit into the “Group C”, usually it’s all in our heads. lol Thanks for letting me know you used the code =) Looks good,

It may be a touch of melancholy! Do you think? I’m going through this right now.. How come I closed myself off for so many years and didn’t keep friendships??? You met someone on a site? May I ask what site? How did you like it? Not that I’m thinking about it right now……ergh!

I think that all people go through times in their lives where they don’t feel as connected as they could. I know I certainly have, and there are many people who would consider me rich in friends. Hope you find what you’re looking for…

March 23, 2004

it is really hard to find true girlfriends… i have them and i feel absolutely blessed, but it took much searching… it’s just hard for me to want to be friends with most of the girls i know. here in colorady all i have are three great guy friends (although i think one of them has an extra ovary floating around in there…) but they suit me fine. sometimes, though, i crave estrogen. <3clea

March 27, 2004

I, too, thought you would be in the A group. That’s how you come across in your diary – someone fun to be with. Hey, what a great idea you have for a website. Seriously. Would be cool if you could do it. It IS harder to find true friends the older you get. This makes me want to write my own entry about friendship. Just a suggestion…you love dogs. How about doing a little volunteer time with

March 27, 2004

some people who share your passion? That is how I’ve found some new friends. It could be whatever time you have to give. Think about it. Humane societies and animal shelters always need dog walkers, someone to give baths, brush a cat, etc.