Thanks to my brother-in-law and my cousin I have well over 2000 pictures of my wedding. They were both incessantly taking pictures in every type of zoom and angle even standing on ladders and belly crawling just to capture the moment. I felt like a hollywood celebrity–and I really hate having my picture taken…yuck! I have requested to do all my own editing and dvd/cd making–which places me in my element of creativity.

Wedding blues.. I’m really a gluntant for punishment on the WE channel I’m watching the Bridezila marathon I’m a little let down to have no wedding planning to do anymore. Now what is a girl to do..the planning frenzy is over. So sad, I guess I could start organizing all my wedding expense bills.

SNAFU #1 Looking back at the wedding preperations almost everything went well expect for a few snafos like the Sounds Unlimited DJs were late, one would think to realize how bad the traffic is on a Friday and plan their travel arraqngements accordly. They were two hours late!!! Unfortunately, we had to extend the time of the social hour, which moved up the time of all the other reception events. Eddie’s father is a diabetic and I was very worried he would pass out. I encourged him to go ahead and help himself to the buffet but he wanted to wait to eat with the other guest.

SNAFU #2 I concocted a signature cocktail and named it the B—tini. These drinks were $7 a piece so I told the caterer not to hand pass these drinks but oh no and lo and behold as my guest are going through the receiving line I noticed several wait staff passing out these drinks. I scanned the sea of people and noticed that almost everyone was drinking these blue concoctions. My catering contract clearly states these drinks are not to be passed out. I did call and talk to the catering manager about this mistake. I don’t want to see an extra $700 on my account. I’m glad I was smart enough to have this written in the contract–you got to be one step ahead.

SNAFU #2 My sister was running late -also stuck in the Narrows bridge traffic so she called and tried to get my other sister to stall the wedding!! She had my dream catcher which we needed to have for the ring ceremony. My wonderful bridesmaids took charge and made me a dream catcher out of twigs, cedar and thread from the hotels sewing kit–bless their hearts for creativity and quick thinking. My sister did make it to the wedding on time and provided the orignial dream catcher but I will always hold the makeshift catcher close to my heart it means so much more to me and has a prominate place in my office.

I’m in the middle of packing suitcases for our honeymoon–never leave it to a man to pack his own suitcase. We are leaving at 0600 9/4 to catch our flight to Canada and then to set sail on the Island Princess which reminds me now to get off this computer and found our tickets. They are here somewhere in this house.

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September 3, 2006

*random noter* beautiful pics. and wonderful congratulations to you and new hubby.. have a safe cruise..

September 3, 2006

*Random Noter No 2* I love your pics and looks like you had a lovely time! 😀 You all looked beautiful!

I’d love to see a picture of the homemade in haste dream catcher

September 3, 2006

Happy travels!!!

September 3, 2006

Beautiful pics,glad u got so many…Hope u found ur tickets..I dont blame u for calling thier manager, i would of done the same thing..HUGS..


September 4, 2006

so many congratulations! i can’t wait to read about your honeymoon and see more pics.

September 5, 2006

Amazing pics. Everything looks so beautiful and your cake came out gorgeous! And your nieces are lovely! Screw the mishaps, your Mrs. Eddie now!

September 15, 2006

I enjoyed all of your pictures….Hope your Honeymoon is going (went) well…

I love love love the cake 🙂