
“The best thing about throwing a party is keeping all the leftover wine”.

Swirly Girl

Amongst the old growth cedars, once a month the cabin dwellers in our woodsy community get together at twlight to compare notes, conspire, inspire cook, play instruments, sing and cut the dirt a little. We are a hotch potch group: A retired Kent Cop- now African Game hunter, the Postmistress, the cable guy, the millonairess, the snow groomer, the volunteer firefighter, the mysterious CIA agent, the beautiful woman firefighter of the year, the handsome, good smelling and sexy gay Seattleites, the trouble maker, the priest aka “Father mayhem”, the crane operator and his not so balanced wife.

My husband and I are so fortunate to be blessed with such a diverse community. A community of people that watches over each other and will do anything to help his/her neighbor.

This month we were selected to host the Halloween party. I love planning parties so I was in my absolute element of festive planning.



Dead man’s ale, Twisted Zin, spooky skeletons, bonfire, Ghostbusters, spider webs, black rat, Cinderella pumpkins, apple cider candles, rib eye steak, plastic wine glasses, black and orange utensils, Adams family, witches on the plume, home made deep dish apple pies, Costco pumpkin cheese cake TO.DIE.FOR.Lumminaries lighting up the trail, giving tours of our cabin, my snowflakes stamp pressed into the mudding of the sheet rock was a hit.

I was so busy being a hostess I forgot to eat but you better believe that I had that cheesecake for breakfast.

I took a few pics before the party unfortunately my camera battery went dead shortly there after.

It was an outdoor party and colder than a witches tit (32 degrees) but thanks to our big fire everyone was warm and cozy

The party was a success and everyone went home full and happy. I can’t wait until next year to do it all over again!

Next party is at the Millionairess’s big Big BIG LOG CABIN.


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