Youtubers and a Sims 2 update.. simself update.
I have a few Youtubers that I follow religiously… namely Rapha and Oddie, and now Wood from Beatemups. I have myriads more but I love these three the best.
Here is the start of my simself adventures. Now I have a custom neighborhood called Brigg’s Gulch. It is a desert town with two cemeteries. One for regular stiffs and a special Catholic one that I made bc Bees reminded me that some sims were or are Catholics. I suppose so…
Here is what it looks like..
Right now there is jack all. The blue areas are the cemeteries.
Me with horrible but accurate Maxis hair. I use these eyes.
My prefab house. I have to be in a mood to make a house. I just did it up fancy… and my simself built that car herself. ++ mech points.
The ugliest premade sim ever. Nery Turner. Blond eyebrows, red hair… no. Just… no.
Fun with the Dance Sphere…
I find it funny that the TOLAD will let you get pregnant with elders…
Next time.. nooboos!!
@jaythesmartone Haha! You try it. You will get addicted. :p
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I didn’t know you could get pregnant with elders. I assume that TOLAD is an expansion pack?
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