
I’m back with the iPad. Bees finds it too complicated… and too big to lug around. I am going to have a look see in the App Store and see about MeWe…. Which is a lot like FB without the garbage/bollocks. It’s URL is http://www.mewe.com ok?
Anyways, I bid you adieu.
I’d never heard of this before, just like I had never heard of Pillow fort until you mentioned it
@heffay Haha! Broading your horizons!

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MeWe is not as good as its promoters have made it out to be. I tried it and it’s dead. There’s practically no traffic, it’s awkward, not intuitive, and not very well developed. I do admire their MO, though. FB needs to learn that from them, but we know they never will because Zuckerberg is a greedy bastard
@thenerve Aye.. I will agree to that. Fuckerberg IS a greedy bastard!
@sweetlittleappletun – Baahahahaha “Fuckerberg”! HAHAHAHA! I love that
@thenerve hehe…
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I wonder if it’s a world thing people can join or is it just for Americans?
@jaythesmartone I joined and I’m Canadian.
It will be interesting to know what you think of it…Keep me posted please….
@jaythesmartone I <3 it.
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Never heard of it. Remember Myspace haha
@thespiritwithinme Myspace?! LOL I hated that. -__-
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Hope you enjoy MeWe.
@justamillennial I am.
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