Moving Day
Well, today is my moving day. Anna will be Lucy I’s room-mate and I will be either Bees’s or Kim Ronson’s. I’m hoping it will be my sister…
Does anyone else feel as though WW3 is going to happen? Just curious.
I’d better get ready for the day.
I still have to do YESTERDAY’s computer maintenance. I totally forgot.
There are a few times I thought for sure ww3 was going to happen. Thank God it never has………yet
@thespiritwithinme *fingers crossed*
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For me I only had a brother and when it got just a touch too loud my mom always sent us to our rooms, but then we had separate rooms so we stayed there. But when your war starts how will you all be separated if you have the same room? You can always come here to B.C. if you need to get away….
@jaythesmartone Lucy is quiet and I’m loud lol IDK how that works but it does. Bees is with Cyn.
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I hope you get out in a room with your sister.
@justamillennial I’m good with Luc. She’s amazing!
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