Meet Brynn Siriano…
Brynn Siriano – family sim / Baileyview resident (my custom neighborhood)
+ undies and high steppers ($$) – plant sims
Wanda Tinker: You two, get a fucking room.
I got lucky when Malcolm Landgrabb was part of the welcome wagon. I had no troubles (thanks to the TOLAD) getting them together either.
Ahh… they love each other. Awesome! Here is where it gets wonky.
I had HER marry him instead of the other way around. So, I killed him off. I wanted her to become a Landgrabb. But instead he became a Siriano. NOT GOOD.
Fortunately Gilbert Jacquet happened to be there and….
So, now she is a Jacquet. This legacy is getting off to a very wrong start… but Gil is a great guy. Can’t wait to see what their nooboos look like.
That is all my dears, til next time?
sounds like I need to be a part of this sims life…any room for a crazy Canadian like me?
@jaythesmartone Of course! :p
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Haha, I had a friend in high school that was so addicted to Sims.
@queenofegypt I am not addicted LOL
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My youngest use to play sims all the time. Haha
@thespiritwithinme I still do. ^^
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I miss playing The Sims sometimes.
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