Hello again :)

So, today is a free day for me. I might go see the new Star Wars movie but then Bees was dead set against it bc Leona will see it and Bees has a HUGE beef with Leona. Anyways, like I said; free day. Thursday is pizza night at the social so.. yay!! Plus Justin will be there… I want to see him. I miss him like crazy. I know he has a new (and ugly af) gf but I want him back damnit!
I was playing the Sims 3 casually, and I have some screenshots but I didn’t capture them all bc I’m a lazy arse. I will post them soon. Her name is Cherry Nettles and she has… well.. you will see.
I think that my bg levels are low but Angelique thinks that they are perfect. I trust her judgement. LOL
I have this song in my head…
I would have gone to see the movie anyways….
@jaythesmartone Not me.
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I hope you enjoyed the new Star Wars movie if you got to see it. I love pizza!
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