Happy New Years!
And I’m writing in gold, bc it’s a special occasion! TIME TO FSCKING PARTAYYYY!!! All day, even with this bloody cold and the risk of snow, who gives a crap! A new decade!!! Yupp.
I bought myself a Huawei tablet yesterday. I will post pictures of it. I have all my goodies on it. FB, Pinterest, story games, stuff like that.
I am so sick right now. I have a cold. :/
My computer is recognizing and unrecognizing my mouse. Fsck. IDK..
Anyways… be safe tonight!
How do you make the text different colours? Is it difficult to do?
@trunorth Click the underlined A et voila!
Thanks! I didn’t know about these additional features. They were hidden until I clicked on the last icon on the toolbar and then VOILA a whole set of new icons appeared.
@trunorth No prob.
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happy new year!
@defenestration You too love!
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I hope you start feeling better soon. And I hope you have a good New year’s
@heffay TY. You too.
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I did Christmas with a full-blown cold. I hope you ride into 2020 with your head up and tell fucking 2019 to stuff it!
@thenerve YEAH! *throws confetti*
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