Good morning my friends…
My sister did it. She bought me a paid account here. ^^ I love her to bits. Right now I am thinking of doing my weekly computer maintenance… you know, virus scan, emptying the temp folder, defragging… the usual.
It is definitely not a day to go out anywhere. It is snowing to beat the band… but what can you say … it’s Canada. It’s actually quite lovely to look at. Like a real life snow globe.
While my sister recuperates, I will just relax. Maybe I will take my computer with me out to the quiet room. After I do my chore… which is not actually a chore per se, bc I love looking after my computer. ^^
I have the Sims 2, 3 and 4 so I might post the pix here … if y’all are interested in that. I don’t know how the simming community is like on here… do any of you sim?
I feel like sleeping bc I took my clonazipam … but I’m going to fight it.
Yay for getting a paid account.I used to play The Sims, when The Sims 3 was popular. I’ve never played The Sims 4, though. I haven’t had my own computer in years.
@justamillennial Hey.. Ikr? The Sims 4 is amazing. I will have to post some screenies. ^^
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glad you are a member now. I love writing here even if it is boring stuff it is great to reflect back on it as a calendar
@kaliko Very true. :3
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