Attic pix

Sorry if they seem grainy but they were taken early in the morning…

My bedside table

My bureau

A view of the neighborhood… a different perspective from the old room which is on the main floor?

Our hallway… leading into the main room..

My roomie Lucy’s bed. She is a great person. <3

As you see, Luc is the better bed maker LOL… my blanket is really big. It’s really made for a double but I have a twin, soo…

I should have waited for the sun to properly illuminate this bc it is a nice painting I made.

This is the tv that Gloria left to me when she passed away early this month.

More later.. if I can install WP then it will be better bc I can just u/l them there.


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December 17, 2019

Looks like I place I could live….Any room for one more?

December 17, 2019

Looks like a cozy space, and the view is quite nice :3

December 18, 2019

Love it! Very nice. It’s snowy where you are, huh?

December 18, 2019

What pretty furniture you have!  From what I can see of it, your picture is very pretty too.  I like the colors.

@wildrose_2 When I first moved here, there was teal carpeting… this room has so many memories for me.

December 19, 2019

OMG we have the same angel! The one on the little table, leaning on her hand…   😀

@thenerve Oh yeah? 🙂 She was given to me by my friend Erin before she moved to Ottawa.