Today is National Twin Day, and also Answer Your Telephone Day. In any case, you should probably answer your phone regardless of the date ha ha! Are there any twins here on OD? I am v. curious to find out. Do you know any twins? I used to know a pair that looked exactly alike and I would always get them mixed up. If you are parents of twins, esp identicals how the fsck do you tell them apart?
I have to get Bees up soon. She has a hair appt in the AM, and the aforementioned party later today. Tomorrow she leaves for the Caribbean. ^^ She returns on the 30th. Or the 29th… either one bc she only has pills til the 29th. My room-mate Lucy leaves for her hols on the 23rd.. I believe. I can’t believe that Hanukkah is Friday and Christmas is next week today!!! And New Years is just another week ahead. WHERE HAS 2019 GONE??
Oh shit. If you have Win7 or 8 PLEASE update to either Win10 or some flavor of Linux bc they are discontinuing support by 2020. I will have another Dietz update for y’all too. ^^
Enjoy your day!
Our family is full of twins. My biggest fear when I was pregnant with Gavin was that he was going to he a twin. I was young when I got pregnant with him there was no way I could have handled twins I was grateful he wasn’t one.
Have a good day!
@dancingthrough Twins are really special.
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My husband has cousins who are fraternal twins. They just turned 50 this month. :).
@catholicchristian Oh wow!
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I know a few twins but I don’t see them any more….I knew some twins in high school but one of them died for some reason when they were adults. But yeah getting them mixed up is always a challenge to get the one you want……I wonder if it’s the same as marrying twins?
@jaythesmartone IDK about marrying twins…
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One of our friends has twin sons who are just entering their teen years – I am not jealous of that
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My father (and obviously, uncle) were identical twins.
just passing through
@e3 Oy Granny, are they hard to tell apart?
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I’ve never known any two that are twins. I would imagine at times it is difficult to differentiate between the two. Lucky Bees – a Caribbean vacation sounds wonderful!
@wildrose_2 She is a lucky girl.
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I’ve known several sets of twins while working with children. One family had two sets of twins, less than two years apart! The oldest pair were fraternal and easy to tell apart. The younger set were 99% identical. I could tell them apart because one had a large freckle on the back of his head (as he got older I would move his hair out of the way to find it) and had a slightly fuller face. Different personalities, too. But this was when they were infants/toddlers. I still keep up with the family on Facebook and can’t ever tell them apart in pictures.
@queenofegypt LOL That’s cray.
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