30 weeks. Belly Pics*
Well, no wonder everything has seemed to get increasingly difficult for me the last week or so. I’ve blown up!
28 weeks and 30 weeks
(13 lbs gained, starting at 140.)
** Gabriel’s pregnancy at 30 weeks. (I was atleast 25 lbs heavier here. I gained 55 lbs total with Gabe, and I started at 140.)
** Xavier’s pregnancy at 30 weeks. (I was probably a good 15 heavier here. I gained about 35lbs with Xavier, and started at 140.)
I’m past being the cute little pregnant lady. Now I’m just a big ole’ beached whale. How can I blow up that much and literally not gain any weight in those 2 weeks? Hmph. This kid better be atleast 8 lbs of the 13 I’ve gained. LOL
In all seriousness… I think he’ll be fairly large. My boys were 8lbs1oz and 8lbs8oz’s, and their dad isn’t a big guy. Josh was 10lbs14oz’s and 24 inches long when he was born! Who’s willing to bet I’ll be birthing a 9lb-er in 10 weeks?
I’m counting down the days until my superviser comes back from her maternity leave. Things at work are starting to get really hard on me. I’m still lifting 65 lbs, restraining crazy dogs, crawling into dog kennels and getting down on my hands and knees to get into cat cages. The deputy director, who is filling in for my superviser, is being a huge bitch (she’s never been pregnant before) and riding me constantly to make sure I can still perform my job duties. It’s been pretty ridiculous. Luckily, my co-workers are more than accomodating, but it’ll get a little easier when my superviser comes back. She’ll have me doing all the computer and paperwork.
I’m trying to decide if I want to order a pool for the birth. I’ll need to get a pump to blow it up, and how on earth am I going to keep the water warm? I gotta figure that out… but my tub isn’t all that big, and with Xavier my garden tub was a blessing to use during labor. I don’t want to be stuck without that option. I also need to order the birth supplies my midwife wants on hand.
And have I mentioned I haven’t gotten anything for the baby? LOL I guess it’s true that you’re a lot more relaxed with subsequent children. Poor Mason doesn’t have any clothes. Or blankets. I need to get Gabe a booster seat and Mason will use his Britax seat. I have my baby carriers, a little bouncy seat, a pack n play and boobs. I’ll get clothes and everything else I might need isn’t needed immediately after I have him. -shrugs-