Making Money for Juvenile Diabetes
I am extremely proud to say I’ve raised $200+ for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. It’s an extremely good cause, so I urge you to donate.
Other things I’d like to participate more in, is research for Multiple Sclorosis (sp?) My grandma has been suffering from it for years. She hasn’t hit the bad stages, hopefully it’ll never get there. But its very close to my heart. Participate for the walks, the fundraising. It’s VERY much appreciated.
Um what else…. If anyone wants to adopt a baby, PLEASE get more people to adopt here. It’s very important we don’t neglect the children here. I DO know that to adopt a child here is very hard, so if we can all work together on figuring something out, that would encourage people to focus on the children here who desperately need homes. These kids are feeling neglected and useless, causing crime to go up. Children all around the world do need love and loving homes, this is true. But we’ve been neglecting the home front for FAR too long.
I use to be very active in these sorts of things, but my clinical depression has come back to haunt me in the past several years. I’m trying to knock down that blockade of depression and get back to normal. Maybe its this gorgeous day that’s sparked it, or how well I’m doing in raising money for juvenile diabetes. Either way, I’m trying my best, every day to work through it.
Clinical depression is NOT fun. You’re not yourself. So, people like Kristin who mock me for my lack of being interesting is just stupiditity and foolishness. Until you actually know the pain you have no room to judge. A lot of people act that way, sadly, but all I can do and is lean on the people DO truly care.
And to payback those who have had my back through this rought time (which im trying to overcome without the help of medication) is throwing myself back into helping causes for others 🙂 Visit the nursing homes again. ….
Oh, and please pray for my friend, Katy. She’s going through a hard time right now and desperately needs prayer.
I actually suffer from Bipolar disorder which is maniac depression so I do know pain and suffering. I have not always lived a life of privelege. I worked hard for everything I fucking have and its pathetic that some people think they know when they obviously don’t. You made a call on an entry I wrote that wasn’t even about you. It was about another favorite of mine who has said she wantsto leave her husband and build in KS. And she’s said that for 2 years now. You didn’t even ask me, you just shit a brick and made yourself look like a jackass. It showed your true colors and made me realize I didn’t want someone like you on my list. Be an adult.
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