It’s a new year.

Finally! I have time to sit down and write! The holidays have been crazy. Between working a ton of hours, (Vic had a lot of time there for it was easier for me to say yes to work) and family get togethers, and taking care of Anthony, I’ve had little time to sit and reflect and write a 2012 recap entry like I wanted to.

Overall, 2012 was a great year. I started working “part time” at the group home. (In quotes because I pick up extra hours so it never seems like part time) It’s kinda of crazy if I compare my life now to just a few years ago. It was just Vic and I. What a quiet life we lived, lol.

NOW, we have our baby who somehow became a toddler and I take care of five adults with mental disabilities.

My job now is FAR different from what I did for 13 years of my life working in a distribution center. More rewarding, yes. But with a different set of challenges everyday.

And being a Mom? Well, that’s something that is overwhelming amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better baby! So far hes well behaved, LOVES to sleep, says please and thank you, loves to dance and is sooooo silly!! He loves to give us hugs and kisses and just seems very sweet natured. We pray he’s ALWAYS this freaking wonderful! I’m sure we are bound to see tantrums in the future but i’m enjoying this stage in his little life SO MUCH! How is he almost 19 months!?!?

My resolutions this year are very cliche. I want (need) to get back in shape. Mostly for myself. I rarely make time for myself these days or use the time i DO have wisely. I’ll write about my goals more soon.

And hope to make more time to write too. (how many times have I said this?!?) But seriously, I need to.

For now, I gotta run. I only have two hours before I have to get ready to run some errand and then I’m working tonight until 11. I have a ton of laundry and cleaning to do before then.

But I have tomorrow off and nothing on the agenda!!!!! I can’t remember the last time that happened!!


Happy New Year everyone!

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