Nojomo #7 A Week Later…

and still kicking lol. Hopefully I can keep this up without missing any days. Almost forgot about it today. I spent most of the morning (after waiting for the bf to go to work) doing laundry, watching a movie, cleaning the kitchen, and then taking a shower before I sit down to do my dang homework. I’m just gonna focus on history today, since it’s due tonight. I may try to work on some of my English assignment due Friday, since I have to write another damn essay. I also have art class work due Friday. SMH lol, anyway it’s good to have today off. Even tho I still have to do some form of work, at least I like where I’m doing the work…lol right at home! It is so nice to have the house to myself. I think at least till 3, or 4 at the latest. I can relax, do what I want, watch what i want, and write in my damn diary haha. I will be so glad when my new bank card gets here. I’m still mad at myself for not checking to see if it was in my locker before I ordered a new card. I had no clue where I had left it, and it didn’t occur to me that it may be at my work locker until after I cancelled it lol. For now I’ll just use my credit card, and transfer what I use back to it from my checking. Anyway I’m gonna get off of here and do some of this dreaded homework lol. TTYL


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