Nojomo #29 Is a day off, really a day off?
Not when you’re an adult with responsibilities lol. I’ve spent most of my morning doing laundry, caring for a the jerk that pulled his hamstring at a softball game, prepping dinner for the crock pot, cleaning the kitchen and now sitting down to eat lunch before I get started on homework. THEN I have to talk to my damn English teacher to see what she can tell me so I can get a damn A for once in her class. If I pass with a C, I think I’ll just be happy I passed cause damn. I put as much effort in it as I can even with the shit going on in my life that affects my concentration. Yeah, at least I’m mere days from being done with this semester (thank you JESUS), but the break between then and spring is small. I’ll enjoy it tho lol.
So back to work I go tomorrow. I hope work isn’t as annoying as it has been all week. I pretty much don’t like anyone up there, nor do I trust many. There are a few that are cool, but they’re all college/HS kids lol. The “adults” are the ones on my damn nerves lol. If I can find time, I’ll get some more job apps in today. I feel so frazzled I can’t think strait, but I gotta get my mind in the right frame to get this school work done. There some things i need to finish up on my business class assignment, so I’ll do that first. Then try to tackle the rest of this essay. UGH, I have 3 more paragraphs to write, and this thing is already 5 pages long. Thankfully some of it was done already thanks to some discussion board posts where we did parts of it. So that saved me some time. Yeah, well I guess I better get of here and get started. I hate my life, but it’s bound to get better….