Fickle folks

Don’t you just love them? I knew it wasn’t the best idea to try to get in touch with my fickle ass friend/former coworker Amanda again. A while back I deleted her on fb and deleted her number because it got to the point where I was doing most of the reaching out and she was always “too busy” to talk or even keep in touch. However, she would be on fb posting about her dogs or sharing posts about animals. Back when we were able to hang out (when she had the permission of her bf (ex now) we’d either hang at the house and watch a movie or go to a bar or something like that. Most times though she’d cancel the plans at the last minute which pissed me off. It got to where If she did try to make plans I didn’t get my hopes up. That way I wasn’t disappointed.

I can get with my friends being busy with work or families but at the same time they did at least keep in touch more often than once or twice a year. So when she found out I was coming back we talked about meeting up for a drink sometime. We texted back and forth every now and then, but they were scarce. I’ve been here a month and I’ve seen several animal related posts. No texts though. Today I decided to text her, just to catch up. You wanna know how that went??? 

Me: Hey chickie!

A: Who is this?

Me: Nekia. Is this Amanda?

A: I can’t talk right now. I’m actually in bed right now. I have to get up at 1.

Me: Ok

And that was the end of that. Kinda pissed me off how she replied. I’m not upset that she wanted to get sleep, but she didn’t even acknowledge my greeting and had apparently deleted my number. At first I thought maybe she changed her number when she asked who I was. I’m guessing she just deleted it after a while. Whatever, but her whole response was rude as hell. That’s what I’m pissed at, how she replied. And you call yourself my friend? If you can find time to post on fb about dogs, you mean to tell me you can’t say hi every once in a while. She has not changed, still the same fickle girl who does not know how to be a friend. If I haven’t heard from a friend in a while, I text or message them. I like to know they are doing ok. It goes both ways though. I’d hope someone would care enough about me to reach out too. 

So I guess dropping it again, for the last time, is in my future. I don’t have time for fickle folks! I’ve lost a few friends over the year from being phased out. It sucks, but you move on. A has never been a good friend, and I guess I should just accept that. Smh!! 


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