What a day

I finally got the late payment taken care of with Discover…next month I won’t be able to make the minimum payment…and that sucks cause they are really nice…they helped close out mom’s account without fuss…they took off the late fees for last months payment mixup…way back when they helped us rescue Sabastian….now I am going to have to default on them…and the others…I still don’t get why some selfish people get to be rich and have a carefree life while others who try to do right have to suffer.

Brittany had to go to the vet today…she woke up acting weird..not wanting to lift her head but when she would she would gag..they got her in a few hours later…her lymph nodes are a little swollen and her lower throat hurts…she is on antibiotics..the vet said if she isn’t acting better by morning to bring her back in…after just one dose she seems to be feeling a little better..she actually barked for the first time today a little while ago.

I got some strawberry daqueri wine coolers and a bottle of vodka to go with my cherry juice..its a little mind altering treat for myself…with so much to deal with a little escape now and then is allowed I think.

I need to reorganize my life…get rid of phoneys and liars and focus on the positive…I think in time I will accomplish that goal…in the meantime I let the phone answer calls and when I feel like talking I call people back…and then I don’t bother answering call waiting…the new digital phone is nice but seems to have problems identifying who is on call waiting…they aren’t sure why that is happening..I hope they fix that soon…eventually it will be credit cards asking for money…twenty thousand dollars….everyone told me God will provide..that taking care of Mom was honoring him so he will take care of me…Mom told me that once too…well time is running out…so my mama needs to start pulling some strings from heaven soon…Mom said God always took care of her and will take care of me…I believe in miracles…I’ll let you know next month if I still believe they exist.

My house is still a mess…I figure when I finally get to getting it organized I’ll know that the worst is over and life can and will go on…I guess right now its like being homesick only the home isn’t there anymore and never will be again.


My goal in life…is to be the kind of person my pets think I am.

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July 1, 2005


July 1, 2005

Hope the antibiotics work. Yes, we all need to treat ourselves to some serious down time. I believe He will provide. Never lose faith. 🙂

Many things seem to have lost their purpose and meaning. Contests and awards are an example. They don’t judge or award by the proper standards anymore, and there is so much bias. Sorry things are terrible right now. Things haven’t been working out for me either. I have been angry and down a lot lately, and everything seems to stress me out.

Sorry about Brittany. I hope she gets better.