Salmon fishing in the Yemen
A very enjoyable movie. An eccentric Arab millionaire has the crazy idea to introduce salmon in a country where that is climatically speaking almost impossible. He just likes fishing for salmon. It is a dream he believes in and if he can make this happen anything is possible. This very British movie combines this weird idea with a love story between the two people that are hired to manage this project. Ewen McGregor plays the fishing expert who is pulled into this project against his will. He says it is theoretically possible, mentions a crazy amount in cost and expects that to be the end of it. When the Arab sheik deposits the 50 million pounds the project starts. In the end the project seems to fail, but some of the fish survive miraculously. He get the girl and they stay in Yemen to introduce the salmon on a smaller scale. Nice.
The story is too crazy to believe. It is funny and has meaning. When you have a vision you can make it happen. You have to believe in something. I really liked it.